Monday, October 11, 2010

Can Cities Survive Climate Change?

Zocalo & the UCLA Luskin Center are presenting on Tuesday October 26, 2010:

"How Will Cities Survive Climate Change?

"Over the next 20 years, hundreds of millions of people will move to cities, demanding the economic opportunities and material comforts of urban life: air conditioning, personal computers, rich diets, cars, cell phones. In 1950, only 30 percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas; by 2030, that figure will rise to 60 percent. While cities have long propelled economic growth and brought prosperity to their residents, how will they fare as populations increase, temperatures rise, natural disasters threaten, and resources grow scarce? UCLA Luskin Scholar and professor at the School of Public AffairsMatthew Kahn, author of Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will Thrive in the Hotter Future, visits Zócalo to explain how we can best prepare for the urban future."

For more information and to RSVP go to:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Recycled, Reclaimed, Reinvented: Art & Neon

As I was reading my trusty AAA magazine I came across in their "worth a drive" section, which I think we should rename worth a bike ride or a transit ride, an announcement regarding a Neon Art Exhibit entitled: "Recycled, Reclaimed and Reinvented: The Neon Art of Bill Concannon." Not only that I did not realize that LA has a Neon Art museum but I am fascinated by art out of recycled materials. The exhibit is meant as a commentary on consumerism. Here is a quote from the artist, with information about the museum to follow:

In reference to our consumeristic culture, Concannon says "for a long time, it's tickled me that glass is at once a very precious (pound per pound) fine art medium and also a thoughtless, throw-away material: no deposit - no return."

Many of Concannon's sculptuShow Announcementres also form a narrative collage where he comments about consumerism, politics, and the erotic psyche. Examples are the swirling neon man stuck in a jar with the phrase "Pickled Punk," the GWH Bush as arcade fortune teller with a button to press that switches neon lights from the words "White In Men Power" to "WIMP", or the subliminal erotic installation called "Gump's Peony," "Sausage," and "Hoop," that has neon tubes covered in plastic shopping bags. Concannon comments, "let's face it, on some level neon is trash, or at least comes from a trash culture. One of the few 'reuses' of plastic shopping bags is to hold your garbage. No one loves plastic bags, but when you look at them in this piece they're strangely beautiful."

The Museum is located in DT LA at 136 W 4th street between Spring and Main, with $5 student admission and $7 general. It is closed on Monday and Tuesday, but open all the other days from noon-6pm (5pm on Sunday). I encourage you to go check it out! I know I will!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

International Zero Carbon City: Masdar

While in Geneva, some MAUP students had the pleasure to see a presentation about Masdar City. Masdar is envisioned as a Zero Carbon Emission City in Abu Dhabi. It seems very futuristic, but an interesting concept nonetheless. If you are interested in more information please follow the link. There a small summary below. This was also on the first page of the NY Times a few weeks ago. Thoughts? Comments?

Established in April 2006, Masdar (the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company) is a multi-faceted company advancing the development, commercialisation and deployment of renewable energy solutions and clean technologies. Masdar integrates the full renewable and clean technology lifecycle - from research to commercial deployment – with the aim of creating scalable clean energy solutions. Masdar works with global partners and institutions to integrate new research with proven technologies to produce efficient systems and processes that can be replicated globally.
Masdar builds on Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading global energy player, with an aim to develop renewable energy and low-carbon technologies at a global level; whilst contributing toward the UAE’s economic diversification through the development of a knowledge-based clean energy sector in the UAE. It seeks to be a leading renewable energy and clean technology player by providing a test bed for the world to develop commercially viable, sustainable energy solutions.

Masdar consists of three business units and one investment arm:

· Masdar Carbon specialises in developing energy efficiency and clean fossil fuel projects that bring significant reduction in carbon emissions

· Masdar City is a clean technology cluster being developed on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi that will be powered entirely by renewable energy

·Masdar Power builds and invests in utility scale renewable energy power projects

·Masdar Venture Capital manages the Masdar Clean Tech Funds, a series of diversified venture capital investment vehicles focused on building portfolios of direct investments in clean technology and renewable energy

In addition, Masdar is associated with the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, the world’s first graduate-only academic institution focused on research into alternative energies and sustainable technologies. It is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mubadala Development Company.

Big Blue Bus on Google Transit

As some you have noticed Google has a great feature where you can get transit routes. But... the Big Blue Bus is missing. So, in order to get the BBB on there please sign this petition: